Hoosier Doulas are professionally trained, enthusiastic support specialists who help provide a safe, memorable and empowering birth experience
Birth: the beginning of an entirely new chapter of life. What do you think of when you imagine it? We at Hoosier Doula Network believe strongly that birth belongs to the women and families who are experiencing it, and we are committed to providing support and encouragement to parents as they navigate the waters of childbirth and early parenting. Our mission is to uphold and care for our clients through their pregnancy and labor, empower them with knowledge as they build their families, and hopefully have fun along the way.
Doula is a Greek word meaning “woman servant”. A birth doula is a trained professional who provides continuous, non-clinical support for birthing parents throughout labor, delivery, and the early postpartum period. She draws upon her education and experience to provide valuable information as well as physical and emotional support to you as you bring your baby into the world.
About Birth Doulas
Studies have shown that there is a measurable improvement in birth outcomes when utilizing the services of a doula. Some of these improvements include:
- Significant reduction in c-sections
- Fewer vacuum extractions
- Reduction in the use of pain medications
- Shorter labors
- Less fear
- Higher satisfaction with birth outcomes
- More success with breastfeeding
- Higher APGAR scores for babies
- Less postpartum depression
In general doulas make birth better, and we at Hoosier Doula Network have assembled a team of some of the best doulas in Northwest Indiana in order to provide you with the highest standard of care possible to meet the needs of your growing family. Our talented doulas have experience supporting women in a variety of situations including but not limited to: natural unmedicated vaginal delivery, vaginal delivery with epidural anesthesia, vbac, multiples, induction of labor, water birth, advanced maternal age, c-section and more… in the settings of home, hospital, or birth center. Whether you are seeking support for your labor and birth or you are looking for help integrating a newborn into your home, our birth or postpartum doulas are the perfect solution.
About Us
Hoosier Doula Network was established because of a clear need in the community for the services we provide, and the abundance of passion that my doulas and I have for the birthing women of Northwest Indiana. My first exposure to doula care came years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. The care I received during that birth was exactly what I needed, and it had such an impact on me that it literally changed the trajectory of my life. I knew after that birth that I wanted to give other women the amazing gift that my doula had given me. It is difficult to express the importance of coming into this business from the perspective of a client first. When structuring the company and determining the framework of our service network, our client’s needs and point of view are always our primary consideration.
For example, we know how important it is to have personalized care. We are committed…as much as we are able…to have each client receive service from her primary doula for her birth. Although in our line of work it is impossible to promise that you will never receive care from a backup doula, we make every effort to see to it that your primary doula handles your birth. However, if it becomes necessary to provide a backup, we go to great lengths to make certain that all doulas in the network are of the highest caliber possible, so that we know you will ALWAYS receive superior care.
In addition, your set fee will guarantee a doula for the entirety of your labor and delivery. Your birth should be a calm and peaceful experience with a doula who will be present when you need her until the arrival of your sweet baby. You can take comfort in knowing that there are no extra costs or hidden fees; we will never charge you by the hour.
The birth of your child is one of the most important experiences of your life. With our combined 32+ years of experience, the doulas of Hoosier Doula Network are excellent at providing the continuous physical, emotional, and informational support that you need in order to have the best birth possible. Make sure that you choose a doula team that understands and respects your emotional and physical comfort during this unforgettable experience. Contact us today for more information.
In the doula spirit,
Amy Bauer
Our Services
- Birth Doula
- Post Partum Support
- Childbirth Classes
- Breastfeeding Support
"Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."
-Barbara Kate Rothman
Our Team
We believe a small team can pack a big punch. We're a talented, seasoned, dedicated team focused on delivering a safe, memorable and empowering birth experience for our clients. We're small for a reason and we're proud of it.
Amy Bauer - Birth Doula

Amy has been serving as a doula in Northwest Indiana for nearly 30 years, and has five children of her own. She is a DONA trained birth doula, an ICEA trained childbirth educator, and served for years as the Northwest Indiana Chapter Coordinator for Improving Birth, a national not-for-profit organization which advocates for evidence based maternity care and respect for mothers in childbirth as well as working with 2020 Mom on promoting legislation to improve maternity care nationally. Her most recent project, the Hoosier Doula Network , is the first of its kind in Northwest Indiana and was organized with a view toward providing the very best in doula care and birth related services to the women of the region. Amy believes that birth is a natural event that should be cherished rather than managed and celebrated rather than endured, and is committed to educating and empowering women to embrace and experience birth on their own terms. She relies on a wide variety of techniques to help clients cope with the difficulties and discomforts of pregnancy and birth, and includes among her assets a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and a sense of humor. Her mission is to support parents as they navigate the waters of childbirth, to empower them with knowledge as they build their families, and hopefully to have fun along the way.
Renee Richardson - Birth and Postpartum Doula

My name is Renee Evon Richardson. Currently, I am fulfilling my passion as a birth doula.Your birth story is only yours to tell, and it has value. I want it to be a great story. I'm kind of what you would call a Jack of all Trades. While I was in high school, many moons ago, I started as a cosmetologist. I loved doing hair, but still wanted more. So, after 15 years, my wonderful sister encouraged me to go back to school. Two years later, at age 32, I succeeded with an Associates Degree in Applied Science as a Registered Medical Assistant. I've enjoyed the last 15 years working in the medical field and working for OB/GYNs in Northwest Indiana. While working in this field I learned about doulas from a midwife I had worked with. I truly felt this was my calling. So, finally, in 2019 I took a DONA Birth Doula training course and I absolutely loved it! Since then I have taken a course in massage therapy and Spinning Babies to further educate myself and help my clients in every way possible. I am always pursuing education because I never want to stop learning. (How boring would that be?) Naturally, I am a nurturer and caregiver with a giving heart. I'm a proud mother of three sons. I have two wonderful daughters-in-law who have blessed with me with 2 grandchildren and a 3rd on the way. Being a grandmother is very gratifying and rewarding. When I slow down, I enjoy arts and crafts of all sorts, such as painting canvas landscapes and crocheting. I also love the outdoors and acting like a big kid at times. Last but not least, I love spending time laughing and having fun with my husband who inspires me to follow my dreams.
Donna Rosaves - Birth Doula

Heidi Pennington- Birth Doula

My name is Heidi. I am a proud mom to 4 girls and wife for over 20 years. My passion to become a certified doula came when I was having my own babies, and realizing the additional support needed. I have a nurturing spirit and it makes me so happy to help a woman realize her own strength as she walks through her pregnancy journey.
My mission is simple: to give you exactly what you need and want while offering love, guidance, and support both physically and emotionally throughout your prenancy, labor, and delivery.
Jackie Baumgartner - Birth Doula

I believe the future is being born every day. I have been blessed and honored to witness lives changing forever when a baby is born. I have been trained by DONA International as a Birth and Lactation Doula, have completed 200 and 300 hour Yoga teacher training, and have attended both vaginal and c-section births. I have given birth 6 times and have 22 grandchildren, each with their own unique stories. My favorite times are when my grandchildren ask me to tell them the story of the first time I met them. It is my intention to assist each mother with loving hands, an open heart, and support for the way she chooses to navigate through the journey of labor and delivery. My priority is to provide a safe space for her voice to be heard and respected and a loving environment for her child to enter into…creating their most beautiful first story.
Sarah Boer - Birth Doula

Kate DeVries - Student Doula

My name is Kate Devries. From a young age I was always drawn to babies and to stories of pregnancy and birth. My gifts and talents seemed to fit very well with the idea of doula care as a profession, and I soon discovered how fulfilling and exciting it is to be involved in something I am so passionate about. During my training, it was very empowering to learn about the many physical and mental techniques which can improve women’s birth experiences and potentially make labor easier and even, in some cases, quicker. Every birth has taught me something new and I have learned so much from the strong women who have allowed me to walk alongside them as they bring new life into the world. Working with amazing doulas has equipped me with the tools I will use to support you in whatever way you need as you experience the highs and lows of birth. I have learned to be comfortable walking with people, not only through the joys of life, but also through the difficulties. As an empathetic and strong person, I can be a hand to hold on to as you navigate your own birth journey.
In my down time I enjoy such hobbies as playing tennis and pickleball. But mostly I love to laugh and have fun and spend time with family and friends.
I feel very privileged when families invite me to be a part of their birth experience, and I hope I never stop learning from each and every birth I am honored to attend. I look forward to supporting you with information and the tools to make your birth as wonderful as I know it can be.
Ashton Hendrix - Student Doula

Certified birth and postpartum doula, plus a breastfeeding counselor. With 10+ years of nanny and mother's helper experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge in caring for newborns. I believe every woman deserves a doula and the birth they desire. Passionate about pregnancy and babies from a young age, I aim to educate, support, and empower individuals through this beautiful journey. I am honored to be a part of your birth journey, providing a safe space and environment. I respect each person's unique needs and preferences, offering a holistic and natural approach when desired.
Molly Broertjes - Student Doula